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Supreme Court Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban

6-3 Decision Reverses 2018 Regulation

Background and Ruling

On June 14, 2024, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of striking down a ban on bump stocks, a gun accessory that effectively increases the firing rate of semi-automatic weapons. The decision came in a 6-3 vote, with the majority opinion written by Justice Clarence Thomas.

The ban on bump stocks was enacted in 2018 by the Trump administration through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The ATF argued that bump stocks were illegal under a 1934 law that prohibits the sale of machine guns. However, the Supreme Court disagreed, stating that while bump stocks may increase the rate of fire, they do not transform a semi-automatic weapon into a machine gun.

Implications and Reactions

The decision has significant implications for gun control in the United States. Bump stocks have been used in several mass shootings, including the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, where the shooter used a bump stock to fire hundreds of rounds in a short amount of time.

Gun control advocates expressed disappointment with the ruling, arguing that it will make it easier for mass shootings to occur. The National Rifle Association (NRA), however, praised the decision as a victory for Second Amendment rights.

The Supreme Court's decision is a complex and controversial one, with far-reaching implications for gun control policy in the United States. It remains to be seen how the decision will be interpreted and enforced by lower courts and law enforcement agencies.
